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Working from Home? Ask Elizabeth

Writer's picture: Best Ever YouBest Ever You

Working from home? CEO Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino has some tips and advice from over 20 years of experience working from home.

Hi! It's me Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino! Chiming in on this whole work from home conversation of people working remotely and how to figure it out. I've worked from home for over 20 years now, with a brief stint outside the home, which made me run back inside for cover, LOL. I've also worked in the corporate world prior to this, having our first two children and commuting as much as 1-2 hours each way in snow and ice in the Minneapolis area to get to and from Prior Lake, MN to St. Paul, MN and traveling for work. I get it and I get how hard it is to juggle it all.

I finally threw in the work/commute thing a long time ago now and started The Best Ever You Network and also I've been working remotely, managing people remotely and sometimes being managed remotely by others for quite some time now.

So, with this giant break, not to be judgy or anything, but I am stunned at some of the things I've heard about people saying about actually how much they dislike working from home.

I'm the opposite of that. I'd describe me as an extreme homebody. I'll leave the house if ice cream is involved, LOL. Maybe. You know, that type. On the other hand, I like to think of myself as quite the adventurer, a new shade of sweatpants on and my day is set.

No seriously, I've really worked from home for that long, in fact, I've taken calls before from my walk-in closet even when the kids were much younger!

Sometimes instead of taking coffee breaks, I confess, I take pool breaks.

Sometimes instead of taking pool breaks, I'm taking gardening breaks.

Sometimes instead of taking gardening breaks, I'm baking.

and often in Spring, you'll find me in the college baseball stands.

You get the idea... Life working from home, writing books, posting blogs and interviewing people for my podcast is something I love to do. It has afforded me the opportunity to be working from home while raising our 4 boys, who are now 18-20-22 and 24.

I love our network here and I feel so blessed that you do too, as it keeps me here working from home.

One of my goals for 2020 was to actually venture out of the house more, go on trips, do some book signings and hang out with our community in person. So, scratch that idea and here I am back in Maine and definitely working from home.

My husband and I started another company, from home, called Compliance4. We are a boutique financial services firm offering regulatory compliance consulting. With that, we both do travel a bit more., however, our schedules are flexible and clients are flexible in nature.

With that said, I'm very grateful, right now, that I/we have this structure in place actually and this whole network. I love you all and lately, I especially love our interactions on Twitter and Facebook. What fun. I'm so impressed that even in these times we are facing, which are very unknown and very stressful (no matter what anyone says!) that our communities are pouring positive energy into the Universe. Yay Us!!

I love the emails your send me with your books and thoughts, blogs and advice.

I love learning about you and learning new things with you. I think there are some very funny videos of Kris Fuller and I learning Zoom earlier this year.

I love your support of my book writing adventures. What a business that is to learn and be involved in!! Book writing to me is a blast, book marketing is a blast, but figuring out how people actually behave to buy books is a mild mystery at times.

Being at home has afforded me the time to write Percolate and collaborate with Sally Huss on our new book to help raise awareness for food allergies. A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies was released just a few days ago and is reaching kids and families at home who are sending us some amazing comments. Thank you!

So, my point is that we all have our routines and lives. I think if I was told I had to stay out of my house and just stay at work, I'd feel so strange too. I'm sorry we all are going through this and I please do your very best to stay healthy and well.

I will confess that I love the fact that while they, meaning our four sons, are slightly vocal about being off routine, our family is back together and all in one place. Hopefully safe. I love the fact that our boys surprised me a few days ago and cleaned the house whole. How cool is that!?!

So anyway, I'm here if you need me. I do have a list of tips that will follow in my next blog. Please in the meantime, feel free to comment and connect us all.

Keep well please.



Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino is one of America's most trusted mindset, leadership and personal & corporate development consultants. As the Founder and CEO of Best Ever You and Compliance4, Elizabeth has helped thousands around the globe be their best and achieve world-class excellence. As a trusted leader, influencer, consultant, trainer and speaker and author, Elizabeth provides development and training to individuals and organizations around the world.

Elizabeth is the author of the best-selling book PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through and The Pinky Doodle Bug Series. She is a contributor to the best-selling book A Lesson for Every Child: Learning About Food Allergies by Sally Huss.


For over 20 years, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino has been an advocate for food allergy awareness and is a spokesperson for the MedicAlert Foundation and FAACT (Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team) and is the co-founder of Food Allergy Zone with Brian Hom. Living with life-threatening allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish for over 24 years, Elizabeth knows the risks and challenges of this condition personally and the need for greater awareness of food allergies worldwide. Elizabeth is an honors graduate of St. Ambrose University and currently attends Harvard Business School for Leadership.

Elizabeth and her husband, Peter R. Guarino, and their four sons live in Maine.


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