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Life With the Zoom Lens On - Let's Focus on Child-Like Wonder

Welcome to my blog, Life with the Zoom Lens On. Thank you for being here with me. We're still percolating and letting our best self filter through and becoming our best ever you, of course, but let's take it another step. My goal with this newer blog is to help us make one thing, thought, idea, value, belief, etc…. the focus point.

What's your focus for today?

Let's focus on wonder. Wonder can be a fantastic distraction from stress, especially when an adult has a child-like wonder to learn. I'm that way with hummingbirds.

I love hummingbirds. My favorite sweater has embroidered hummingbirds on it. My favorite bracelet is sterling silver with hummingbirds. I've loved hummingbirds since I was a child. As a child, in Iowa, I always wanted to see one but never did. I had even forgotten how much I loved hummingbirds as a child, until I was an adult and a very very colorful one flitted about me in California by some flowers in our yard. The quest to see hummingbirds was renewed. Since we moved to Falmouth, Maine, our backyard is a hummingbird festival every year. We can actually count on their arrival.

This year, I'm not taking my hummingbirds for granted. I've been getting up earlier in the morning to watch them in our yard. As I listen very carefully, I can hear the sound they make with their wings as they fly in the yard. They are very erratic and can change direction instantly. I had on a red shirt the other day and one flew around and around me in the middle of the yard. It was near impossible to be fast enough with my zoom lens to get a picture. I managed to get a few. (I may need a brighter shirt and better zoom for a better shot!)

Hummingbirds create this sense of child-like wonder for me. I've read so much about them these past few weeks. In one post, there are 8 spiritual messages they have, including this pearl of wisdom, "Pay attention to your thoughts on abundance and scarcity. This little power animal is a reminder that any shift in your perception creates abundance. You become what you believe." (

Another blog has this to share:

"While there is no direct mention of hummingbirds in the Bible, they are sometimes considered to be a messenger from Heaven, gently nudging us to move on and release the burden of people or things that have passed and can no longer be a part of our lives.

When a loved one has recently passed away, they may be a sign that the loved one has successfully made it to the other side and is doing just fine.

Some people also see them as signs from Angels, reminding us to follow what makes us happy and to enjoy the present moment." (

Such positive energy and thinking in a definitely unknown times.

What gives you child-like wonder?


I'd like to invite you to join us in our new private Facebook Group that has free weekly guidance from me and Kris Fuller. To join us, purchase a copy of our new journal:

Best Ever You: 52 Week Journal to Your Bravest, Boldest You

Love, Elizabeth

About Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino is one of America's most trusted mindset, leadership and personal & corporate development consultants. As the Founder and CEO of Best Ever You and Compliance4, Elizabeth has helped thousands around the globe be their best and achieve world-class excellence. Elizabeth is the Chief Executive Officer of Compliance4 and creator of The Best Ever You Network. Elizabeth is the author of the best-selling, award-winning, personal development book PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through (Hay House), a new best-selling journal (co-authored with Kris Fuller) and multiple children’s books as a contributor and author. Elizabeth and her husband, Peter R. Guarino and four sons live in Maine. Follow Elizabeth on Instagram here: @ElizabethHamiltonGuarino #BestEverYou


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