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Writer's pictureBest Ever You

My daily mantra: I become the best me in every moment

Today I like to share my daily mantra, which might be also a possibility in this times to get up.dress up. get your crown go on.

I become the best me in every moment

I am in no competion with anyone, not even with me.

I am the only one responsible for my thinking, acting and creating.

I become the best me in every moment.

I cannot blame anyone for what I am or what I do.

It’s in my full respons|ability to become the best me in every moment.

I am in full abundance and re-member in my soul’s time who I truely are: pure

I am here to learn what I decided to learn before time and space.

I become the best me in every moment.

Everything what’s happening my soul created for learning. When I learn my lessions I liberate myself of old memories I have in my energetical system.

I become the best me in every moment.

I decide now and for good to learn everything I need to learn to re-member my full abundance and dance life fully in pure pleasure, health and inspire others with my best me.

I become the best me in every moment.

If something/someone triggers me, I know that it is a learning lession, not more. I learn. I forgive. I smile. I heal and go on. No drama. No fight. No negativity. Only learning lessions. Not more. Not less.

I become the best me in every moment.

I am aware of my unconscious „black spots“ and love to re-discover them to learn my lessions fully and go on.

I become the best me in every moment.

Knowing that I am full abundance, I dance life and create out of full wealth on all levels. Now and for good.

I become the best me in every moment.

I am whole. I am abundance. I am me. I n(fl)ourish my soul.mind.body.

About the author:

The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources and many other areas of business, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over the more than 35 years.

Numerous educations at international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as holistic trainer in health, nutrition and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of „iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, a further development of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence.

Publisher and author of the successful award-winning book series called "First aid for..."

Successfully Master’s degree in health management with focus on public health. International PhD & research in the fields of health communication with focus on neuro/psycho linguistics combined with neuro plasticity and health economics.

Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London.


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