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Want to look younger? Fix the root cause of facial aging!

The second week of August is Smile Week, making it a great time to put smiling in the spotlight. Each year, millions have procedures to make their faces look younger. They want to address the lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and more. In an attempt to do this, they get invasive procedures, injections, and other treatments that may take a few years off their face, but they never address the root problem. One expert cosmetic dentist shares a secret to looking younger, and it doesn't just involve lip fillers and plastic surgery.

"Forget the lip fillers and facelifts if you are looking to reverse aging. Those are things that do not get to the root of the issue," explains Dr. Dani Benyaminy, known by his loyal patients as Dr. Dani B., an expert cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles. "If you want to look younger, address the teeth. When you do that, the rest takes care of itself.”

Dr. Dani B. may be onto something, as he has helped countless patients to look younger by addressing their teeth. Those who opt to restore their teeth and smile instantly see the difference it makes, turning back the clock years. It's like getting a facelift without actually having any surgical procedure done.

Most people don't think of their teeth as they age, but it will make the whole face fall in line when they start to look older. According to the National Institutes of Health, there are changes to the teeth that take place as we age. When the changes occur, it impacts how the whole face looks, usually making it look older.

There are several ways that aging affects our oral health. These include it taking longer for our cells to renew, the tissue becoming thinner and less elastic, the bones becoming weaker, and it taking longer for healing to occur. The changes that people undergo when aging impact the tissue and bone in the mouth, which can lead to oral health problems, as well as teeth that no longer look as good as they used to. Once this happens, it drastically ages the face.

When people opt for lip fillers, facelifts, and other treatments to address aging and ignore tooth issues, they are dancing around the root cause. Going to the source and addressing the teeth will enhance the whole face and keep people looking years younger. Veneers are a popular way to turn back the clock on an aging face, helping to keep people looking great, feeling confident, and appearing years younger without undergoing surgery or other invasive procedures.

There are additional ways that people can help turn back the clock on aging and focus on anti-aging, such as:

  • Protecting the skin from the sun every day. While getting a little sun exposure is necessary for the body to make vitamin D, getting more than that can lead to the skin aging prematurely.

  • Not smoking or quitting if you do. Smoking not only impacts oral health in numerous ways, but it can have an aging effect on the body itself. Smoking reduces the elastin, which causes the skin to sag and look older.

  • Avoid repetitive facial expressions. This can cause collagen to break down in those areas. Look up videos on facial yoga and start spending a few minutes per day doing the exercises. Focus on obtaining a smile you love, so you will show it more, keeping you from frowning. Also, opt for sunglasses outdoors to keep from squinting.

  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, which includes getting a lot of veggies, fruits, and whole foods. Be sure to consume foods that have antioxidants that will help protect the body from free radicals, which work to age the body. Some healthy anti-aging foods to reach for include avocado, broccoli, nuts, dark chocolate, and sweet potatoes.

  • Drink less alcohol. Too much alcohol can age the body in a variety of ways, so keeping it to a minimum is important for anti-aging. Consuming alcohol leads the body to reduce collagen production and elastin, which will cause wrinkling and age the skin.

  • Exercise most days of the week. We need regular exercise and physical activity to stay healthier and slow the aging process. Regular exercise helps keep the skin softer and increases elasticity.

  • Whiten teeth. When teeth appear whiter people look younger. There are products that can be purchased over the counter or speak with the dentist about professional grade options.

"I help people look younger all the time by doing a smile makeover," adds Dr. Dani B. "You would be amazed at what it can do to make you look younger. Within a quick virtual consultation, I can tell you what the outcome will be like and what you can expect."

The veneers process with Dr. Dani B.’s includes three appointments, starting with a consultation, which can be virtual. Once that takes place, there is an appointment where the person will evaluate the aesthetics of what the veneers will look like. The final appointment involves placement of the veneers. Dr. Dani B is offering free virtual smile consultations for the month of August 2023.

Dr. Dani B. is an expert cosmetic dentist in Los Angeles. He is known as a smile makeover specialist and a porcelain veneer specialist. His custom-built office in Century City, California, offers VIP treatments for everyone that visits, and virtual consultations are provided to help people determine the best route to meet their goals. With a focus on delivering personalized treatments and achieving optimal oral health, Dr. Dani B. and his experienced team offer a comprehensive range of services, including preventive care, cosmetic dentistry, restorative treatments, orthodontics, and dental implants. The practice also provides Invisalign, Zoom teeth whitening, and urgent dental care. Dr. Dani B. uses cutting-edge technology to help people achieve celebrity-caliber smiles. To get a healthy and confident smile, visit and view famous smile makeovers on Instagram @DrDaniB.


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