Welcome to my new blog, Life with the Zoom Lens On. Thank you for being here with me. We're still percolating and letting our best self filter through and being our best ever you, of course, but let's take it another step.My goal with this new blog is to help us make one thing, thought, idea, value, belief, etc…. the focus point.
What's your focus for today?
Let's focus on peace and tranquility.
For our 21st wedding anniversary - pandemic style - my husband and I decided to find a place where we could leave the house, yet stay safe. So, we headed out, very early morning, to the Scarborough Marsh, which is a salt marsh located in Scarborough, Maine. Operated by the Maine Audubon, the salt marsh is the a 3,100 acre estuary, which is the largest in the state.
We were the only people for miles and the wildlife was plentiful and in motion. From Snowy Egrets to Great Egrets to Glossy Ibis and Geese, we were able to see and hear the peace and tranquility of the area.

This was perfectly peaceful. Both of us find birds peaceful, so this was fun to bring the camera along and just listen, watch and take pictures and find the beauty and joy in the moments.

Again, today we ask: How are you? Are you pushing through? Are you living in fear or anxiety? Are you stressed? Are you happy? Sad? How are you?
In your journal, here are some concepts to write about or even discuss with another person.
How are you celebrating events and milestones during this time?
Is it necessary to follow the crowd and do what the crowd is doing?
Write down 5 things or activities that bring you peace and tranquility?
Also, We have a new mindset and conversations group on Facebook and would like to invite you to join us: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ConversationsWithElizabethAndKris
Love, Elizabeth
About Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Elizabeth Hamilton Guarino is one of America's most trusted mindset, leadership and personal & corporate development consultants. As the Founder and CEO of Best Ever You and Compliance4, Elizabeth has helped thousands around the globe be their best and achieve world-class excellence. Elizabeth is the Chief Executive Officer of Compliance4 and creator of The Best Ever You Network. Elizabeth is the author of the best-selling, award-winning, personal development book PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through (Hay House) and multiple children’s books as a contributor and author. Elizabeth and her husband, Peter R. Guarino and four sons live in Maine. Follow Elizabeth on Instagram here: @ElizabethHamiltonGuarino #BestEverYou