Brian and Kathy Hom, from San Jose, California who lost their 18 year old son to a peanut allergy take action to prevent other families from suffering the pain of losing a loved one. They're opening 2 cafes: Vitality Bowls and focusing on protecting people with food allergies. On July 1, 2008, Brian and Kathy Hom witnessed their son BJ die from an anaphylactic shock from unknowingly eating a dessert containing traces of peanuts on a family vacation to Los Cabos Mexico to celebrate BJ’s 18th birthday and graduation from high school. It was the most heart breaking day of Brian and Kathy’s life it was as though someone had ripped their heart out of their chest. Since that day Brian has made it a personal mission to find a cure for food allergies so no other family would have to suffer a similar loss to a food allergy. Not only does he want to find a cure but also the cause. Brian is a member of The Board of Directors for FAACT - Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Connection Team.