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Best You Daily Inspiration and Journal Prompt - Best Ever You

Good Morning from Maine! #Gratitude to all!

Today's Best You Daily Inspiration and Journal Prompt is about helping others.

Best You Daily will help guide you and your lifestyle to be the very best they can be. Following a few of my thoughts you'll find a journal prompt closer to the end of this blog. I hope you'll follow with me, as each day, I intend to give us all something to think about and/or write about through Best You Daily. We’re here to talk about your best life in 2017 and beyond. We’re here to learn to make some lasting changes in our lives.

I think about the words "Best Ever You" a lot. I change them up to Best Self, Best You Ever, Best this or that, and I even go so far to seek and spot the best of the best. It never says Perfect, it says Best. I've noticed in dealing with folks striving to consistently be their best, mind you, this includes myself at moments, that we are achievers. We seek to be better and better. I've noticed we can be obnoxiously hard on ourselves - maybe even others if we see someone not putting forth a best effort or best self. One thing I notice is that most are consciously ambitious and very in tune with moment, community, the world as a whole and others.

Over the years, I've defined and redefined Best Ever You and the meaning behind it. I've created poems, our boys have added their thoughts, you've added yours and I love how the words can be applied to anyone in any situation and they create a positive, uplift. Best Ever You are three powerful words to always remember and keep handy. Let them serve as a reminder to you in any situation or circumstance that there is more to do in this world. Our collective best is a positive force.

Here is a small part of what Best Ever You means to me.

Best Ever You Along the journey and way Life will put you to the test- How you take it matters and it’s important To be your very best. To make the most of time and love And leave all the rest… For surely you can’t take things back In your life’s quest. There’s sickness, tragedy, pain and death That you will most certainly see- These are all growth moments If you can find the strength and just be. There’s joy, gratitude, compassion and health That you can find… If you look so very closely And leave your troubles behind. Discover your worth and your love With grace, elegance and passion, Blossom ever so beautifully In life’s perpetual fashion- Treat others with kindness, dignity and respect Instead of trampling in never give up and thoughtless ways- Perhaps another’s win Might be your very best day! Hold another’s heart As if it is your own- Honor it, cherish it, and be peaceful From this all will be known. So in this lifetime ask yourself Am I making the most of each day? Ask yourself this, perhaps, moment-to-moment Before they fade away. Peace within is what’s in store For those willing to see light in the gray- Inner peace is something That never fades away… -Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino


What does Best Ever You mean to you? Are you making the best of what you have? What makes you the best world citizen you can be?

About Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino is a 19-year veteran of the financial services and regulatory compliance training industry. Now, a recognized leader in personal development, Elizabeth is the founder and CEO of The Best Ever You Network, a brand with more than one million followers in social media and over two million radio downloads on The Best Ever You Show.

With a mixture of humor and grace, Elizabeth helps people root in gratitude, discover motivation and implement positive, lasting change. An expert in mentoring people to market their strengths and achieve brand excellence, she works with clients worldwide to illuminate their light within, develop their best life and become their Best Ever You with gratitude-based behavior and belief systems.

Elizabeth’s book PERCOLATE – Let Your Best Self Filter Through (Hay House, 2014) has been called “charming” by Publisher’s Weekly, with “an ingenious extended coffee metaphor.” Guarino also ranks consistently as one of the top 40 social CEOs on Twitter and was just named a favorite by Oxford Said Business School. Her hashtags #BestEverYou and #TipstoBeYourBest are widely circulated.

Follow Elizabeth on Twitter @BestEverYou


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