Hello Best Ever You Community & Friends!
We are back action with our random acts of kindness at The Percolate Project!
The Percolate Project was created by Quaid Guarino for his high school senior project. He was inspired by the phrase "Random Acts of Kindness Create Waves of Peace" from the book PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through.

Quaid is now a Sophomore at RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) majoring in Biology. He has helped grow the project nationwide.
​The purpose of The Percolate Project is to inspire, educate, and empower ourselves and others to create a continuum of acts of kindness so that it creates and enhances more peace, love, and happiness in our communities.
We are looking for at least one person from each state to help us grow and engage the community in your area. ​ Pass it On
We created cards you can use. Please just email us at elizabeth@besteveryou.com and we will mail a few to you. You can also download a card here: https://www.percolateproject.com/projects.
When you buy a coffee for someone or do another random act of kindness, you can give the person the card so they can continue the momentum. We've found the cards work great in the drive thru. (Note: Pandemic may change card use.)
The Percolate Project believes acts of kindness create waves of peace, happiness and community. We hope you can find the right moment to do the same and join the growing wave. Reuse the card to pass it on. Join the Wave We'd love to hear about your experience at The Percolate Project on Facebook or at our community. If you have completed an act of kindness or received an act of kindness, we'd love to hear from you!
You can also now buy us a coffee!
Hey 👋 You can now buy us a Virtual Coffee. When you buy a virtual coffee, you contribute to our Pay it Forward movement. We do monthly give-away's to brighten someone's day, spread joy and add sparkle. Best Ever You and Your Life Sparkles sharing love, kindness and gratitude every day. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/besteveryou
Visit us at The Percolate Project