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Ear Plugs and Bubble Wrap to Protect Yourself from the Naysayers

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

In my coaching and coaching certification courses, I joke, in somewhat of a serious way, when I say there are two things you need to protect yourself from those who underestimate you: Ear plugs and Bubble wrap.

I'm not really kidding with this metaphor, when I say, thinking of these items or even carrying them with you as a reminder, will help you to remember and practice to insulate yourself from the naysayers and assist you to gain confidence to consistently reach strongly back to yourself, look within to listen to yourself, and have the confidence to follow your own heart, dreams, and goals and find success that resonates with your heart.

Let's face it: It's noisy out there! Not only is there a lot of information coming at you that you may or may not trust, but it's also very important to take a close look at who is surrounding you on a daily basis. What are those closest to you saying? Is their advice supporting your heart, dreams, and goals or are they not on board fully?

I can remember years ago in 2008 when I first started and someone I thought had my best interests at heart told me I'd never have success and was a 40-something washed up soccer mom! I said, "Our kids don't even play soccer!" and hung up the phone and doubled-down on my dreams by registering the domain for 5 more years.

I've seen it over and over again, with people seeking help for change and success and complaining that they are running into those brick naysayer walls. Take another path and remember: They may doubt you, it may have never been done before that they've seen or know, they may be jealous, competing with you and not want your success before their own and so many factors. People react all sorts of different ways with respect to ambition and ambitious, succeeding people. The version of you that they know, may have changed, and they aren't fully on board and may never be, so be careful. Find a new route.

It is extremely important to develop your own confidence and strength within. If you feel unsure of yourself, find someone who believes in you more than you believe in you at that moment and can mentor you. If you've got a lofty goal and it's work and action, blood, sweat and tears to get there, remember to remove those naysayers, purchase ear plugs, bubble wrap and get going to be your Best Ever You. Who says you can't? or flip it to a steady diet of telling yourself "I Can" and with hard work, focus, consistency, determination, networking, actions, dedication and all the positive energy behind you, you will succeed.

So this is just a quick note in the New Year, to remind you to take a serious look around at who is helping you achieve your dreams and goals. If they aren't the right people, it's time for change, change of scenery, route, plan or a life coach or something around you who can see it from a different vantage point. You may even process through a few people to get to the ones who support and believe in you and your goals and dreams. Believe in Yourself.

Happy You Year, ear plugs, bubble wrap and all!



About Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Since 2008, as the Founder of Best Ever You, Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino has been helping people be their best and find success. She is a Master Life Coach and author of multiple books on the topic of change, success and peace, including the bestsellers, The Change Guidebook - How To Align Your Heart, Truths, and Energy to Find Success in All Areas of Your Life and PERCOLATE - Let Your Best Self Filter Through.

The Best Ever You Network provides personal and professional development in multi-media format and has grown into a brand with more than one million followers on verified social media platforms and millions of radio listens and downloads on The Best Ever You Show. Her hashtags, #BestEverYou, #TipstoBeYourBest are widely circulated.


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